7 Inspirational People Who Will Change Your Life : 1 of 3 ( courtecy;- you tube )

7 Inspirational People Who Will Change Your Life

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Are you tired of not delivering on your own promises day after day, year after year? Yesterday you said tomorrow, and today you’re already too busy, so maybe this weekend? Yes, we’ve all been there: we promise ourselves one thing, then something comes up and we forget all about it till it’s too late. Do you want to learn the guitar, practice Japanese, and maybe dip your toe into digital art, all while having 2 jobs and a crap-load of YouTube videos to watch? Just writing that sentence down made me anxious, but it’s okay, you’re about to meet 7 people who will put each and every one of your lame excuses to shame. Let’s get you all inspired and motivated!

1. Blind painter John Bramblitt
Sometime in 2001 John Bramblitt lost his sight due to an unfortunate epilepsy, but that wasn’t the end for him, but only the beginning. He stated to paint with textured paints, to make use of his sense of touch. And to get these amazing colors he’s using Brailled bottles to know which color to mix with which!

2. Motivational speaker Nicholas Vujicic
This amazing dude, Nick Vujicic, was born without any legs or arms, so you know it was nearly impossible for him to survive in this world, especially in Australia. Despite being severely disabled, Nick was able to find hope and help people with disabilities. Today he’s all about experiencing the new stuff like swimming, skydiving, and painting. Nick even fathered 2 sons! Let that sink in…

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