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Women's Health
Surprising Things That Can Damage Your Liver
Did you know that sugar can be as damaging to your liver as alcohol? These habits are worse than you think.
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Is It 'Stomach Flu' or Influenza?
Sometimes people mistake symptoms of gastroenteritis as "flu," but they aren't the same thing. Here are the differences.
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Symptoms of Celiac Disease
Many people with celiac don't know they have it -- in fact, as few as 1 in 5 people with the disease will be diagnosed.
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Clues Your Tongue Holds to Your Health
Infections, stress, medications, and aging can all leave their marks on your tongue. Here's what your tongue is telling you.
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Why Does Your Doctor Do That?
She'll listen to your lungs, tap your knee, and run you through other screening tests. Here's what she's looking for.
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5 Ways Antibiotics Affect Gut Flora: And What You Can Do to Help
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