Say Goodbye To High Cholesterol, Blood Glucose, Lipids And Triglycerides! ( courtecy;Source:

Say Goodbye To High Cholesterol, Blood Glucose, Lipids And Triglycerides!

“Several months ago, I met my professor, and he showed me his blood test results.
I must admit that they were quite shocking, as all values of the tested blood parameters: lipids, urea, blood glucose, cholesterol, and triglycerides were extremely higher than normally. I was left speechless and thought it was a great luck that he was still alive.
Then, he also showed me another blood test results, and they could not even be compared to the previous ones, as they showed the blood values of a completely healthy person. However, the most shocking thing about it all was the fact that the difference between the examinations was just a month!
Next, he started explaining that he has done a treatment which was advised by his doctor, who was a close friend.”
This was the entire therapy:
He bought raw pumpkin every week, for a period of a month. He peeled 100-120 grams of it, blended it in a blender, added some water, and drank the smoothie every morning, 15-20 minutes before his breakfast, for 4 weeks.
In order to estimate your effects, you should analyze your blood before and after the treatment.
The professor is a brilliant chemical engineer, and due to the magnificent effects he gained, he started to examine the pumpkin and discovered that it is able to discard all LDL cholesterol from the arteries through the urine.
Moreover, this natural remedy is excellent for a cleansing process of the arteries, and it will also rejuvenate and refresh you. Do not hesitate to try it yourself!
