Heart murmurs can be harmless or signal a more serious heart problem. These are the symptoms to watch for. ( COURTECY ;- READER'S DIGEST )


Heart murmurs can be harmless or signal a more serious heart problem. These are the symptoms to watch for. ( COURTECY ;- READER'S DIGEST )

What is a heart murmur?

A heart murmur doesn't feel like a fluttering in your chest. In fact, you can't feel it all—a stethoscope is the only way to detect this whooshing or swishing sound, which is caused by turbulent or abnormal blood flow in or around your heart. Some murmurs are harmless, but others can signal an underlying heart condition. "It can be caused by heart valve problems—either narrowing or leaking of the valves—holes in the heart, or other congenital heart defects," says Brent Lampert, MD, a cardiologist at The Ohio University Wexner Medical Center. "However, most are 'innocent' or harmless murmurs.'" Some murmurs, depending on their cause, can trigger symptoms. A doctor can detect any heartbeat irregularities at your regular physical exam and evaluate further with an echocardiogram (an ultrasound of the heart). "It's important to know that many patients will not experience symptoms, or the valve disease progresses slowly enough that the heart compensates and symptoms are hardly noticed," Dr. Lampert says. These are the symptoms to watch for.

Shortness of breath or chest pain

Feeling winded or having difficulty breathing when you would normally be breating easily can be a sign of a heart murmur related to valve issues. Valve stenosis—narrowing and tightening of the valve—limits forward blood flow. Valve regurgitation is when a valve doesn't close completely, causing backward blood flow, also known as a leaky valve. "Valves within the heart are doors designed to keep blood flowing in one direction. Sometimes these doors might not close properly or open completely," says Patrick Collier, MD, a cardiologist at the Cleveland Clinic. Be on the lookout for these signs you're heading for a heart attack.


Iron deficiency, or anemia, is more a cause than a symptom; it means there's not enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to all the tissues in your body. Here are the silent signs of anemia you should never ignore. But if you're experiencing other symptoms and know you're anemic, it's a good idea to see your doctor, who can determine if a heart murmur is present.


There are many potential causes of belly bloat, but puffing up all over should be a red flag. "Some people may experience swelling of the ankles, feet, or abdomen," says Dr. Lampert. Poor blood circulation—possibly caused by dysfunctional heart valves—can sometimes cause excess fluid to build up, commonly in the extremities. Low blood flow can also be a sign of clogged arteries.

Thyroid issues

Occasionally, but not often, the murmur can be traced to a dysfunctional thyroid gland. "An overactive thyroid may cause turbulent blood flow in the heart," says Dr. Collier.


An "innocent" murmur might develop when you're pregnant, due to the increased volume of blood pumping through your body. If a doctor doesn't detect any other underlying cause, the murmur will likely go away after the pregnancy.


Endocarditis is an infection of the inner lining of the heart and valves that can cause a murmur. It typically occurs when bacteria from another part of your body—commonly your mouth—travels through your bloodstream to become lodged in the heart. Maintain good oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly to prevent periodontal infections.

Dizziness or lightheadedness

It's normal to feel a little unbalanced after standing up too quickly or lightheaded after going long periods without eating or drinking. But feeling dizzy without any obvious reason could be related to a heart murmur. "Some people with severe valve issues have blackout episodes or fainting," says Dr. Collier. Look out for these other surprising signs your heart is in trouble.

Blue skin

If your skin has a blueish tint, especially on your lips and fingertips, see a doctor—it could indicate a heart problem.

Poor appetite

Infants who aren't eating well or aren't growing normally could have a number of different issues, including a growth hormone deficiency, but the problem could be a heart murmur. While it may be just an "innocent" murmur that will disappear over time, a doctor should evaluate any potential congenital heart disease or heart defect, according to the Mayo Clinic. Don't miss these 30 ways you can reduce your risk of heart disease.
