14 Health Myths That Even Doctors Believe Doctors don't know everything, it turns out. Make sure you don't fall for these whoppers ( courtecy;- reader's digest )

Doctors don't know everything, it turns out: Many still believe these outdated myths. Make sure you don't fall for these whoppers.

Drink at least eight glasses of water a day

Two glasses of pure water on blurred backgroundAFRICA STUDIO/SHUTTERSTOCKWhen experts comb through the research, they can find no evidence that supports this claim. The best advice for staying hydrated is to drink frequently throughout the day, even if you're not thirsty. Try these clever ways to drink more water.

Rest is best for back pain

This bed is not comfortable as I thought GPOINTSTUDIO/SHUTTERSTOCKDoctors still hand out this advice—but it's been decades since bed rest was prescribed for back pain. The American College of Physicians now recommends that doctors and patients should treat low back pain with non-drug therapies like heat, massage, tai chi, yoga, acupuncture, or spinal manipulation (chiropractic), and over-the-counter pain meds. And patients should try to stay active—like doing these five exercises that can ease back pain.

Shaved hair grows back faster, coarser, and darker

Handsome young man is shaving his face and looking at the mirror.VGSTOCKSTUDIO/SHUTTERSTOCKYeah, no: Shaving hair doesn't change its thickness, color, or rate of growth, according to the Mayo Clinic. Shaving facial or body hair gives the hair a blunt tip. The tip might feel coarse as it grows out, which can make it more noticeable or appear thicker or darker. But it's not. Don't miss these proven ways to prevent razor burn.

Eating turkey makes you drowsy

rustic food: roasted turkey breast on a paper on the table. horizontal top viewAS FOOD STUDIO/SHUTTERSTOCKAlthough an amino acid in turkey called tryptophan is known to cause drowsiness, turkey doesn't contain any more of it than chicken or beef does. In fact, nuts and cheeses contain more tryptophan than turkey. The reason you're nodding off on the couch has more to do with the quantity of food you just ate. If you're looking for foods that will help you sleep, try these.

Cell phones are dangerous in hospitals

Medical care imageBURIBURI/SHUTTERSTOCKOK, there's a grain of truth to this one: Hospital cell phone use hasn't caused a death as far as anyone knows, but the devices have set off alarms on monitors, triggered false readings on cardiac monitors, and caused malfunctions in infusion pumps. In one study, researchers found that cell phones interfered with about 4 percent of medical devices—but only when the phone was within three feet. But another study involving 300 tests in 75 hospital treatment room detected no interference. Make sure you know proper hospital etiquette before you visit.

Don't eat nuts when you're pregnant

A mix of dried fruits and nutsALEKS333/SHUTTERSTOCKThe American Academy of Pediatrics actually recommended this as recently as 2000 as a way to stop nut allergies. Yet by 2007 the number of peanut allergy cases tripled in the United States. So, the medical community reexamined its recommendations. The AAP rescinded its recommendation in 2008. In fact, a recent study from Boston Children's Hospital posted in JAMA Pediatrics found that increased peanut consumption by pregnant mothers who weren't allergic to nuts was associated with lower risk of peanut allergy in their kids. So, as long as you aren't allergic to peanuts, studies have found that there's no reason to avoid them during pregnancy. Check out why you can feed peanuts to babies.

Kids with ear infections need ear tubes

ear infections, ear pain and inflammation in infants,HANIF66/SHUTTERSTOCKNot so fast: Recent research suggests that while tubes do help hearing and ease pain—providing much-needed relief for children and worried parents—the tubes don't make a difference in a child's ability to develop speech, hearing, or language. Here are some other ways to soothe your kids' ears.

Stroke is only an issue for the elderly

Nurse Showing Patient Test Results On Digital TabletMONKEY BUSINESS IMAGES/SHUTTERSTOCK
A 2016 study of New Jersey hospitalizations published in the Journal of the American Heart Association reveals that the incidence of stroke has more than doubled in people between the ages 35 to 39 over the last decade. A 2017 study in JAMA Neurology found the highest increase was among women between 35 and 44—the group suffered a 42 percent jump. Do you know these important stroke symptoms?

We use only 10 percent of our brains

Young male physician reading and reviewing a MRI brain scanROMAN KOSOLAPOV/SHUTTERSTOCKEveryone's heard this one, but it's flat wrong: We use all of our brain, and most of our mind is active throughout the day, says Scientific Americaneven when you're sleeping. Did you know that female brains have this one important advantage?

Reading in dim light will wreck your vision

Cropped shot of woman lying on bed and reading book. Female hands holding a book while lying on bed.JACOB LUND/SHUTTERSTOCKDim lighting has no effect on eyesight, according to Harvard Medical School. But, it will tire your eyes more quickly. The best way to position a reading light is directly over the page; just make sure you position it to avoid a glare.

Hair and fingernails continue to grow after we die

fingernail lack of nutrients on white background. do not make nails, do not care for nails and ugly nails no shape. this image use for health care concept.MEOW WII/SHUTTERSTOCKCreepy, but untrue: After death, the human body dehydrates and skin shrinks, exposing more of the nails and hair. The growth of hair and nails requires a complex hormonal interaction that just isn't possible after death, according to a study.

Sex is painful because you can't relax

Messy bed. White pillow with blanket on bed unmade. Concept of relaxing after morning. With lighting window. Top view. Black and white theme.SEEME/SHUTTERSTOCKNo, no, no. Once doctors have ruled out obvious causes for painful sex like an infection or poor vaginal lubrication, they may offer this explanation. But there are many reasons for painful sex, such as vestibulodynia—the most common cause of sexual pain in women under 50. This chronic vulvar pain doesn't have a clear cause—or cure. Any kind of touch or pressure can trigger discomfort, whether it's sex, toilet paper, or tampons, according to Harvard Medical School. Topical treatments and avoiding tight-fitting clothing can help; the condition can clear up on its own, though it can take months or even years. Here are some other surprising reasons for painful sex.

If you don't have a maternal history of breast cancer, you're low risk

Female doctor and a patient standing in front of a breast tomosynthesis machine in a hospitalANTONIODIAZ/SHUTTERSTOCKAccording to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, only about 10 percent of those diagnosed with breast cancer have a family history of the disease. And among those, it's not just mom that matters: Although many doctors were taught to ask about a woman's mother when calculating breast cancer risk, we now know it's possible to inherit problematic genes from your father's or your mother's DNA. Learn the top ways to decrease your risk of breast cancer.

If you have osteoarthritis of the knee, get surgery

Sports injury concept. Cropped portrait of black male runner wearing black training outfit touching his leg in pain with clasped hands, having sprain or twitch in his knee after running exercisesWAYHOME STUDIO/SHUTTERSTOCKSeveral landmark studies discovered that people do just as well—or better—when they skip surgery and just do physical therapy. Arthroscopic knee surgery, a commonly performed orthopedic procedure in the United States, may only be effective for a narrow group of people with chronic knee pain, according to the results of a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. This adds to earlier research suggesting that the procedure may be unnecessary for most people with knee osteoarthritis. Here are some proven knee pain treatments to try.
