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How to Repair Damaged Hair with Items You Already Have at Home ( courtecy;- reader's digest )

How to Repair Damaged Hair with Items You Already Have at Home

This is how to repair damaged hair the easy way. These inexpensive at-home tricks will remedy your damaged, dry locks, leaving you with healthy hair.

Whip up an apple cider vinegar mask

This is how to repair damaged hair with apple cider vinegar (a must have in everyone's home). Put the life back into your limp or damaged hair with this terrific home remedy: combine 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar with 2 tablespoons olive oil and 3 egg whites, then rub the mix into your hair. Keep your hair covered for about a half hour using plastic wrap or a shower cap, then shampoo and rinse. Make sure you stop believing these five hair myths.

Make a "shampoo omelet"

Mix one egg with a small amount of shampoo, then apply to your damaged hair for five minutes and rinse well. This treatment helps to enhance the protein in your hair. These are 38 secrets your hair stylist won't tell you.

Treat with botanical oils

Available at health food stores, olive, jojoba, and sweet almond oils are all wonderful elixirs for damaged hair. If your hair is thick and heavy, coconut oil works well. Dampen your hair and apply small amounts of the botanical oil until your hair is thoroughly covered. Top off with shower cap and warm towel for about 30 minutes, then rinse and shampoo your hair out.

Try sandalwood oil

Mix a few drops of sandalwood oil with a few drops of olive or jojoba oil, rub the mixture between your palms, then smooth it through the ends of your hair for instant sleekness and a way to curb and condition brittle, flyaway hair. Alternately, squirt a few drops of hand lotion in your palm and smooth it through damaged hair.

Condition naturally when swimming

Before the beach or after a swim, protect hair from harsh elements or chemicals with a homemade rinse of 1/4 cup apple cider mixed with 3/4 cup water to help cleanse hair, recommends Susie Galvez, author of Hello Beautiful: 365 Ways to Be Even More Beautiful, then follow with conditioner. These are hair washing mistakes you didn't realize you're making.

Wrap wet hair dry

Instead of rubbing your hair after you get it wet, wrap up your damaged hair in a cotton towel, and let the cotton absorb the moisture for a few minutes. This helps protect against further split ends.

Use a humidifier at night

Your home heating probably keeps the air very dry, especially in winter, and that can dry out your hair. Putting moisture back into the air will help your hair from becoming more dry and damaged.

Let your hair down

If you usually wear your hair in a ponytail, take it out for a few hours a day to give your hair a break. Also, try not to pull hair back too tightly. And never sleep with any sort of accessories in your hair.
