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Boost Your Holiday Cheer With These 3 Flower Essences ( courtecy;- (Katie Hess )



Boost Your Holiday Cheer With These 3 Flower Essences

Katie Hess
Photo: Lea Csontos
The premise behind flower essences is simple: Take some flowers, leave them in water overnight, and relish in the resulting liquid. But their uses are varied and plentiful—the energetics of different petals are thought to do everything from beat brain fog to help mend a broken heart. You can spray the elixirs in a room to fill it with fresh, floral energy or take a few drops on your tongue for a more medicinal approach.
Over the years, the bottled-up relics of nature have gained a cult following, thanks in part to Katie Hess, the floral alchemist and author of Flower Evolution. Her company, Lotus Wei, functions from the principle "For every mood and feeling, there is a flower. Choose a flower, and change your life." Here are Hess' top picks for flowers to infuse this season with ease, comfort, and bliss.
Everyone experiences the holidays differently. Some of us have lovely, peaceful relationships with our families; others of us find them triggering. Some years we go all out, organize festivities, cook dinners, buy gifts, and attend parties. Other years we slow down and allow for more introspection.
We spend the holidays with our loved ones, which means it can be a mix of both joy, connection, and love along with occasional loneliness, nostalgia, or the simple reality check that life is passing us by quickly. After all, we get only about 100 winters in our lifetime—if we’re lucky!
Using flower essences is an effortless way to amplify the good vibes, ease holiday stress, and magnify natural states of happiness and warm, fuzzy feelings. As simple as dropping them in our mouths or into holiday beverages, we can enhance the holiday spirit for ourselves and our entire family!
What do YOU want to experience more of this holiday season? What state of mind would you like your family to be in? Spike the punch!

Rose for love and nurturing:

Let’s face it. Sometimes spending time with certain members of our families can be a source of tension. We do our best to bring holiday cheer, but sometimes it’s challenging. Alternatively, if these are the first holidays after a divorce or losing a loved one, the season can intensify our longing for connection.
Turn up the volume on love and tenderness with rose flower essence. It makes us feel nurtured and cared for. Under the influence of rose, we’re kinder and more compassionate with ourselves, rippling out to everyone we touch.

Giant spider lily for celebration and joy:

When we put ourselves under pressure to attend family dinners, cook meals and find the perfect gifts, it can be overwhelming to do it all. We might feel a sense of obligation or responsibility to make everyone happy.
Giant spider lily flower essence brings in a sense of lightness and buoyancy, giving us the sense that everything is easy and effortless. It helps us laugh more and experience our natural state of joy and freedom.

Holiday cactus for introspection and intention:

Most people have a little downtime during the holidays for introspection—a chance to review the past year and ask the deeper, big-picture questions about what we envision for 2018.
Holiday cactus flower, a luminous white and fuchsia succulent that blooms in December, quiets the mind, allowing for deeper wisdom and insights to arise about the legacy we want to leave in life—and the steps we can take to make it happen.
Flower essence therapy is a thing, and it's amazing. Read up about ithere.
