The Best 8 Remedies For an Instant Constipation Relief!
Do you know that Irritable Bowel Syndrome damages the overall quality of a person’s life by interrupting their emotional state, and also their professional and social lives.

 If you are experiencing chronic constipation and diarrhea, and discomfort and pain in the abdominal area, it could be a sign that you are part of the forty-five million Americans who are suffering from IBS, or also known as Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
IBS damages the overall quality of a person’s life by interrupting their emotional state, and their professional and social lives also.
With this in mind, thankfully, there are lots of things you could do if you’re struggling with IBS. Home remedies, drinks, foods, and also routines that are going to make your life easier are listed below.
Sadly, this condition is something that people don’t take too seriously, no matter the number of issues it may be a trigger of.
Furthermore, double-check all the products and ingredients and if they’re right for you, and good luck on your journey.

Here are 8 Tips for Soothing IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Pain

1. Make Yourself a Peppermint Tea

Making a tea out of peppermint leaves is a known ritual that has helped generations of people with relieving gas pain and uncomfortable bowel spasms.
Also it is known that it relaxes the intestines. When buying peppermint tea, always make sure that it’s made out of real peppermint leaves or better yet, grown and made by the seller.
Don’t get any tea mixes that contain peppermint if you’re not a fan of it. Instead, try and find a place that sells capsules with peppermint oil, and take two of them in between your daily meals.

2. Find Probiotic Yogurt

Our body is filled with bacteria that work in union with our system with the intention of regulating everything and bettering our health.
They are called probiotics. There are cases when if the body is going suffering from IBS, it’s not able to produce enough probiotics for the body.
This is why you should consider purchasing products that are rich in probiotics. As the name suggests, probiotic yogurt is definitely on the list of these products.
Other foods that are rich in probiotics include foods like tempeh, miso, and sauerkraut also.

3. Make Sure You Stay Away From Cauliflower, Coffee, Cabbage, and Chocolate.

Even though this is quite the odd group, scientists claim that these products irritate the bowels tremendously. However, makes sure to also avoid dairy products, soda, broccoli, and beans.
Talk to your nutritionist to help you construct a diet-plan that doesn’t include these products. By doing so you will avoid the further development of IBS.

4. Get a Smaller Plate

Eating a lot of food in one sitting has proven to be a trigger for the development of IBS symptoms. Don’t starve or torture yourself.
The trick to this is to plan out your meals ahead of time and make sure to chew and eat your food slowly.

5. Make a Small Ritual to Relax Your Muscles

Try to relax your muscles by lying down. Make sure the area you’re in is quiet and calm and it is a relaxing atmosphere for you.
The ritual starts by you tightening one of the muscle groups in your body and relaxing it right after.
If you continue with this practice and do it every day, your body will adopt the habit and eventually relax the bowels itself.
Make sure to begin with one end of the body and then slowly start working towards the other. Activate every muscle group that you can to achieve best results.

6. Drink Water While You’re Eating Your Meal

Drinking any kind of liquid while eating your food has proven not to be good for your system because it interferes with the work of the digestive juices, therefore, it makes the process of digestion a lot more difficult for your body.
The recommended method is to drink water before and after you’re done with your food.  Not during the time you’re eating.
Also, make sure not to drink any other liquids like alcohol, fizzy drinks, or coffee. Those things will not relax your bowels.

7. Opt for Ginger Tea

With time, ginger has developed the reputation of being very useful for a lot of things that are food-related.
It’s also known for helping when it comes to digestion problems.Only 4 to 6 cups of this wonder worker is capable of helping you face the struggles of living with IBS.

8. Eat Wheat

It’s become common knowledge that wheat is packing in fibers which are good for your digestive system.
Products like oat bran are the best kinds of wheat that you could consume if you’re struggling with IBS.
Nutritionists recommend that eating one slice of this bread alongside some oatmeal, will help you out with your struggles with the syndrome.
The perfect thing to do is to try and incorporate some small healthy eating habits into your existing ones with the intention to improve your problems with IBS.
Consult a professional if the pain and discomfort don’t go away.
Source: Remedy Daily
