মধু ও হলুদ CANCER চিকিৎসায় একমাত্র সমাধান আবিস্কৃত হওয়ার পরও ঔষদ কম্পেনী গুলো তার APPLY বন্ধ করে রেখেছে একমাত্র ব্যবসার কারণে !
মধু ও হলুদ CANCER চিকিৎসায় একমাত্র সমাধান আবিস্কৃত হওয়ার পরও ঔষদ কম্পেনী গুলো তার
APPLY বন্ধ করে রেখেছে একমাত্র ব্যবসার কারণে !
CANCER চিকিৎসা এবং এর নিরাময় ১৯৩০ সালেই আবিস্কৃত হয়েছিল ৷ কিন্তু ঔষদ কোম্পানী গুলো ঐ গবেষকের গবেষণাগারটি ই
ধংস করে দিয়েছিল । এর
অনেক পরে ৭/৮ বছর
আগে এক মেডিকেল কলেজের এক ছাত্র বেকিং সোডা র একটি সলোশন আবিস্কার করে CENCER চিকিৎসার একটি গবেষণা আরম্ভ
করলে এবং প্রায় সাফল্যের দিকে এগোতে আরম্ভ করলে ঐ কলেজ থেকে তাকে বের করা হয় এবং চিরদিনের জন্যে তার ডাক্তারী পড়া বন্ধ করে দেয়া হয় । তাকে
যে রোগীর তার নিজের ইচ্ছায় ঐ চিকিৎসা তার
উপর প্রয়োগের অনুমতি দিয়েছিল তার ফলাফল ও তাকে জানতে দেয়া হয় নি ।
ঐ রোগীর খারাপ কিছু হলে তো তার জন্যে তার বিরোদ্ধে
আইনের প্রযোগ বা আদালতে মামলা
মামলা করা হত
তার ধারণা তার চিকিৎসায় ঐ রোগীর কোনো ক্ষতি হয় নাই ।তাকে বাঁচতে দিলে এটা হয়তো প্রকাশ পেয়ে যেত ।
গত ৮/১০ দিন আগে LIFE AND EAT
HEALTHY নামের একটি ON LINE পত্রিকায় একজন এফ বি ADMIN একটি লেখা প্রকাশ করেছেন । এই
লেখায় সে বিষয়ে আলোকপাত করা হল
নামে ঐ প্রবন্ধটি প্রকাশ করা হয়েছে । ঐ লেখায় দাবী করা হয়েছে চলতি ধারণা DNA CELL DAMAGE এর কারণে শরীরে CANCER এর সৃষ্টি হয় তা সত্য নয় । এর অন্য কারণ আছে যা গোপন করা হয়ছে ঔষদ কোম্পানী গুলোর স্বার্থে !
১৯৩০ সালে WILLIAM RESSEL ( 1825- 1940 ) একটি আবিস্কারের কথা প্রকাশ করেন ।
তিনি বলেন একজন গবেষক ১৮৯০ সালে তার এক CANCER বিষয়ের গবেষণায় প্রমাণ পান যে , CANCER CELL এর inside এবং out side এ MICROBES নামক এক প্রদার্থের উপস্থিতি পাওয়া গেছে। আরো গবেষণায় তিনি জানতে পারেন যে, ‘PLEOMORPHIC’ বা PH stateযা cancer cell এর ভিতরে cancer cell এর সাইজ ও shape কে পরিবর্তন করে ফেলে এর জন্যে মানুষের শরীরে কেনসার রোগর সৃষ্টি করে বা কনসারের ইহা একটি অন্যতম কারণ হতে পারে।
নামে ঐ প্রবন্ধটি প্রকাশ করা হয়েছে । ঐ লেখায় দাবী করা হয়েছে চলতি ধারণা DNA CELL DAMAGE এর কারণে শরীরে CANCER এর সৃষ্টি হয় তা সত্য নয় । এর অন্য কারণ আছে যা গোপন করা হয়ছে ঔষদ কোম্পানী গুলোর স্বার্থে !
১৯৩০ সালে WILLIAM RESSEL ( 1825- 1940 ) একটি আবিস্কারের কথা প্রকাশ করেন ।
তিনি বলেন একজন গবেষক ১৮৯০ সালে তার এক CANCER বিষয়ের গবেষণায় প্রমাণ পান যে , CANCER CELL এর inside এবং out side এ MICROBES নামক এক প্রদার্থের উপস্থিতি পাওয়া গেছে। আরো গবেষণায় তিনি জানতে পারেন যে, ‘PLEOMORPHIC’ বা PH stateযা cancer cell এর ভিতরে cancer cell এর সাইজ ও shape কে পরিবর্তন করে ফেলে এর জন্যে মানুষের শরীরে কেনসার রোগর সৃষ্টি করে বা কনসারের ইহা একটি অন্যতম কারণ হতে পারে।
১৯৩১ সালে
OTTO WARBARG CENCER মেডিসিন আবিস্কারের জন্য NOBEL prize পান ।
তিনি বলেছেন Cancer cell contain low ‘ APT ENERGY’ । আমরা জানি atp is made inside the MITOCHONDRIA OF CALL যাকে ‘ adenosine triphosphate হিসেবে আখ্যায়িত করা হয় ।
তিনি বলেছেন Cancer cell contain low ‘ APT ENERGY’ । আমরা জানি atp is made inside the MITOCHONDRIA OF CALL যাকে ‘ adenosine triphosphate হিসেবে আখ্যায়িত করা হয় ।
আবার ১৯৩০ সালে DR, ROYEL RIFE নমের এক MICROBIOLOGIST যিনি
USE কে আরো কিছু উন্নয়ন করেন এবং বলেন harmonic frequincies microbones কে vibrate করে এতটুকু পরিমানে যা microbones এর ভিতরের সেলকে exploded করে একে মেরে ফেলা পর্যন্ত তার ক্ষমতা বূদ্ধি পায় ।
যাতে প্রমাণিত হয় যে – cancer cell can rever to normal SIZE if the microbes inside them were destroyed , কিন্তু তার এই যুগান্তরকারি আবিস্কারের কোনো স্বীকৃতি প্রদান করা হয় নি তাকে।
USE কে আরো কিছু উন্নয়ন করেন এবং বলেন harmonic frequincies microbones কে vibrate করে এতটুকু পরিমানে যা microbones এর ভিতরের সেলকে exploded করে একে মেরে ফেলা পর্যন্ত তার ক্ষমতা বূদ্ধি পায় ।
যাতে প্রমাণিত হয় যে – cancer cell can rever to normal SIZE if the microbes inside them were destroyed , কিন্তু তার এই যুগান্তরকারি আবিস্কারের কোনো স্বীকৃতি প্রদান করা হয় নি তাকে।
কিন্তু FDA বা joint forces of the
food and drag adminisstation এবং AMA আমেরিকান
মেডিক্যেল এসোসিয়েশন তার গবেষণাগারটিই ধংস করে ফেলে।
কারণ এই আবিস্কার একজন কেনসার রোগীর দেহের কেনসার রোগটি সমূলে ধংস করে দেয়া সম্ভব হয়ে যেন আর ঔষদ কম্পেনিগুলোর কোটি টাকার বানিজ্য চীরতরে বন্ধ করে দিতে না পারে।
আর রোগীরা অল্প ব্যয়ে কেনসার রোগ থেকে আরগ্য লাভের পথ প্রশস্থ না হয়ে যেন এবং ঔষদ কোম্পানী গুলোর আধিক লাভের ব্যবসাতে আঘাত হানতে না পারে । আর কেনসার সেল মানুষের ,শরীরে একটিভ রেখে কোটি টাকার বানিজ্য দীর্ঘদিন চালিয়ে মানুষকে মৃত্যুর দিকে ঠেলে দিতে পারা বন্ধ হয়ে না যায় । এই ই এর মূল করণ । আর রোগী মরার আগে পর্যন্ত চিকিৎসার নামে যেন লাখ লাখ ডলার হাতিয়ে নেয়া যায় রোগীর কাছ থেকে ৷
কারণ এই আবিস্কার একজন কেনসার রোগীর দেহের কেনসার রোগটি সমূলে ধংস করে দেয়া সম্ভব হয়ে যেন আর ঔষদ কম্পেনিগুলোর কোটি টাকার বানিজ্য চীরতরে বন্ধ করে দিতে না পারে।
আর রোগীরা অল্প ব্যয়ে কেনসার রোগ থেকে আরগ্য লাভের পথ প্রশস্থ না হয়ে যেন এবং ঔষদ কোম্পানী গুলোর আধিক লাভের ব্যবসাতে আঘাত হানতে না পারে । আর কেনসার সেল মানুষের ,শরীরে একটিভ রেখে কোটি টাকার বানিজ্য দীর্ঘদিন চালিয়ে মানুষকে মৃত্যুর দিকে ঠেলে দিতে পারা বন্ধ হয়ে না যায় । এই ই এর মূল করণ । আর রোগী মরার আগে পর্যন্ত চিকিৎসার নামে যেন লাখ লাখ ডলার হাতিয়ে নেয়া যায় রোগীর কাছ থেকে ৷
এর অনেক পরে
ICRF বা Indipendent center Research Foundation অনেক গবেষণা লোকচোখের অনেকটা আড়ালেই গবেষণা আরম্ভ করেন ।
তারাই cancer এর একটা Natural চিকিৎসা পদ্ধতি বের করেছেন ।তাদের দাবী এই চিকিৎসায় নাকি ২৫%কেনসারের রোগের রোগীগণ ভাল হয়ে যান !
তারাই cancer এর একটা Natural চিকিৎসা পদ্ধতি বের করেছেন ।তাদের দাবী এই চিকিৎসায় নাকি ২৫%কেনসারের রোগের রোগীগণ ভাল হয়ে যান !
এর এক পর্যায়ে
DR.RIFE নামক এক ডাক্তার একটি TECHNICAL DEVICE আবিস্কার করেন । যার নামকরণ করা হয় ‘HIGH NRF FREQUENCY DEVICE ‘ নামে । যার সঠিক ব্যবহারে CANCER
CELL এর ভিতরের microboes কে সম্পূর্ণ ধংস
করতে সক্ষম বলে গবেষক ও ব্যবহারকারীরা বলছেন !
এর কারণ তারা
নিচের ৫ টি step এ উল্লেখ করেছেন ।
Glucose Receptor allow Glucose Inside the cell .
2;- এর পরের ষ্টেজে Glucose পরিবর্তিত হয়ে
‘PYRUVATE’ হয়ে একটি Chemical Chain
Reactoin এর সৃষ্টি করে ।
Step 3;- এর পর
Step ;- 4;-
এই পর্যায়ে কেনসার সেলের ভিতর EITRIC ACID
বা KRESS CYCLE এর সৃষ্টি করে
Step;- 5 ;-
আগেরটার পর কেনসার সেলের ভিতরে একটি চেইন রিএকশন আরম্ভ হয় ।
আবিস্কারকরা এর নাম দিয়েছেন-‘ATP
তারা পরীক্ষা করে দেখেছেন একটা সেল সধারনত ভাল সেল থেকে ১৫ গুণ বেশী GLUCOSE উৎপন্ন করে ৷
তারা পরীক্ষা করে দেখেছেন একটা সেল সধারনত ভাল সেল থেকে ১৫ গুণ বেশী GLUCOSE উৎপন্ন করে ৷
কিন্তু APT ENERGY has less pyruvate, which is a
resulte of the REDUCED Amount of available Glucose ।
এই পর্যায়ে আর
একজন গবেষক এর আবির্ভাব ঘটে, যার নাম Virginia
livingstone । তিনি লক্ষ্য করেন যে , অনেক microbes mixed with DNA OF THE CELL যাহা এর ভিতরে PNETRATE the cell NUCLEAS । পর ফলে যখনই DNA কে সম্পর্ণ ধংস
করে ফেলতে সক্ষম ।
ইহার মূল কারণ হচ্ছে ‘ GENETHERAPY একটি প্রচলিত প্রদ্ধতী যাহা
DNA কে DAMAGE করার একটি SYMPTON মাত্র ।ইহা প্রধান
কারণ নয় ।এখন যারা রাত দিন মিডিয়কে জানচ্ছেন যে তারা কেনসার রোগের চিকিৎসার
উন্নয়নে কাজ করছেন তা সঠিক নয় বরং তারা ঔষদ কম্পানীর স্বার্থে এর ঠিক উল্টা কাজই করছেন
বাস্তবে !
NG THE MICROBAS INSIDE THE CENTER CELLS. এঅন্যদিকে DR, RIFE যে কাজ করছেন গোপনে বা ব্যক্তি পর্যায়ে তা হচ্ছে- ATP ENERGY ব্যবহার করে আক্রান্ত সেলকে REVERT করে তা NORMAL CELL এ বূপান্তরিত করতে । DR. RIFE PREVENTED MICROBONES FRON BLOCKING THE ATP ENERGY BY DESTROYIই বূপান্তরের
কাজে গবেষকরা সক্ষম হয়েছেন ।
তারা আরো একটি
নিরাময়ের প্রকুতিক PRODUCT ব্যবহারে সফল হয়েছেন বলে দাবী করছেন । আর
করা যায় অরগেনিক মধু ও মসলা হলুদের ব্যবহার করে ।
কারণ হিসেবে তারা উল্লেখ করেছেন মধু
ও হলুদের সঙ্গে Dirt Cheap protocal একত্র করে ব্যবহার করলে কেনসারের সেনটার সেল এর
Bacteria কে ধংস করা সম্ভব ।
কারণ মধু center cell কে attract করে যার মধ্যে অনেক Glucose Receptors থাকে যা normal cell থেকে
বেশী ।
ইহা microbes কে ধংস করতে পারে ।
এর কারণ এখানে মধু act as a ‘TARJAN HORSE’ TO THE TURMERIC inside Cell , আরো একটি কারণ হচ্ছে- যখনই cheap protocol মধু ও হলুদের সঙ্গে মেশানো হয় সঙ্গে সঙ্গে এই মিশ্রণ microbes কে ধংস করার ক্ষমতা বৃদ্ধি পায় ।
মূল articles will be available at – ( SOURCES –www.hhp:\\natureal curehere.com)
original articled for interested readers-;
ইহা microbes কে ধংস করতে পারে ।
এর কারণ এখানে মধু act as a ‘TARJAN HORSE’ TO THE TURMERIC inside Cell , আরো একটি কারণ হচ্ছে- যখনই cheap protocol মধু ও হলুদের সঙ্গে মেশানো হয় সঙ্গে সঙ্গে এই মিশ্রণ microbes কে ধংস করার ক্ষমতা বৃদ্ধি পায় ।
মূল articles will be available at – ( SOURCES –www.hhp:\\natureal curehere.com)
original articled for interested readers-;
The Root Cause Of Cancer Has Been Hidden Since 1930
In the last 125 years, numerous experts have discovered multiple facts about cancer.
William Russell (1852-1940), in 1890, found that there are microbes inside and outside of cancer cells, which were later found to be “pleomorphic,” meaning that the pH state inside the cancer cells affects their size and shape.
In 1931, Otto Warburg won the Nobel prize in Medicine for his discovery that the main property of cancer cells was low “ATP energy” (ATP is made inside the mitochondria of cells and is known as “adenosine triphosphate”).
In 1930, Dr. Royal Rife, a microbiologist who developed the use of “harmonic frequencies” to vibrate the microbes until they “exploded” and died, showed that cancer cells can revert to normal if the microbes inside them were destroyed.
However, he was not awarded for his discovery, but the joint forces of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Medical Association (AMA) destroyed his laboratory.
The reason for this was that his discovery cured 100% of his patients. On the other hand, the pharmaceutical industry and the modern medicine would rather profit from this disease than allow its cure.
Their patented chemicals bring them huge financial profits, and they are doing everything to protect them. The FDA functions as the “private police force” of the pharmaceutical industry.
In the end, it is all about the patents, and since natural remedies, frequency waveforms and molecules in cannot be patented, they are being ignored.
This dirty conspiracy is also supported by the media, which glorify medical doctors and manipulates the masses. And they have been perfect in what they do. As soon as they hear the diagnosis, patients run fast to their oncologist, and only a few try natural treatments initially.
The team of experts at the Independent Cancer Research Foundation (ICRF) – which is a non-profit foundation investigating natural medicine, found the way microbes inside of cancer cells partially inhibit the ATP energy. having this in mind, the developed over 25 natural cancer treatments.
Dr. Rife’s equipment inspired them to use a new technological device, called the “High RF Frequency Device” , which destroys the microbes inside the cancer cells.
To understand these treatments, we need to clarify the way microbes inside the cancer cells partially block the production of ATP energy.
Initially, we will explain the reason for the creation of the ATP energy in a healthy cell.
- Step 1: In a normal cell, glucose receptors allow glucose inside the cell.
- Step 2: Glucose is then turned into pyruvate in a 10-step chemical chain reaction.
- Step 3: The pyruvate enters into the mitochondria of the cell.
- Step 4: It is then at the start of a chain reaction known as the “Citric Acid Cycle” or “Krebs Cycle.”
Step 5: Then, a second chemical chain reaction, known as “Electron Transport Chain ” begins, about half-way through the Citric Acid Cycle. These two form most of the ATP energy in the cells.
Cancer cells contain more glucose receptors than normal cells and 15 times more glucose, even though the microbes intercept most of it. Furthermore, although a cancer cell has far more glucose than a normal cell, less of it enters its mitochondria than in a normal cell.
Thus, a cancer cell has lower ATP energy since it has less pyruvate, which is a result of the reduced amount of available glucose.
Furthermore, a team of natural medicine researchers at the Virginia Livingston found that one or more of the microbes inside the cancer cell penetrate the cell nucleus.
If the DNA of the cancer microbes “mixes” with the DNA of the cell and modifies the DNA of the cancer cell, It leads to DNA damage, which is the grounds of the “gene therapy” in conventional medicine. However, note that DNA damage is just a symptom, not a cause.
Certain cancer researchers and numerous research organizations are convincing the public that they are struggling to find a cancer cure, while they are praying for the opposite.
Dr. Rife prevented the microbes from blocking the ATP energy by destroying the microbes inside the cancer cells, and they became able to use their ATP energy and “revert” into normal cells again.
Additionally, the ICRF researcher who found the way microbes, which are actually Helicobacter Pylori, inhibit the ATP energy also developed 25 different ways to destroy these microbes while inside the cancer cells and thus converting them into normal ones.
For instance, the Dirt Cheap Protocol includes a combination of honey and turmeric, to kill the bacteria in cancer cells.
Honey attracts cancer cells as they have more glucose receptors than normal cells, and it can destroy the microbes, but the combination of honey and turmeric is even more effective. Honey acts as a “Trojan Horse” to get the turmeric inside the cells.
Turmeric has been found to be the most potent herb in eliminating Helicobacter Pylori in three different studies. The Dirt Cheap Protocol contains more than a dozen other synergistic methods with honey and turmeric which target and destroy the microbes inside the cancer cells.
You can find additional information about the Dirt Cheap Protocol on the Cancer Tutor website (www.cancertutor.com).
Moreover, the Royal Rife technology also reverts cancer cells into normal cells. The “High RF Frequency Protocol”, which is also presented on the website, is automated and does everything the original Rife frequency generators did.
Source: http://naturalcureshouse.co
Baking Soda: Cancer Treatment Uses for
Prevention and Testing
By Dr. David Jockers DC, MS, CSCS
Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), commonly known as baking soda,
is a natural substance used for a variety of household baking and cleaning
purposes. But did you know that there are baking soda uses for helping the body
to prevent cancer, as well as it being a tool cancer patients can use to
identify and stabilize cancer growth?
Baking Soda
and Cancer Healing
No one cause is associated with
cancer development, nor is there one cure for this complex disease.
Cancer is a disease that initiates damaging activity within tissue and cells
triggering genetic mutations and abnormalities. This cascade of effects causes
adverse changes to the body’s metabolic processes. These unhealthy metabolic
functions can be reversed using natural health strategies − including the use of baking soda to
heal and stabilize natural healing dynamics.
Many buffering systems equip the human body with the ability
to optimize internal functions for as long a period as possible. One of these
known systems is referred to as pH. For example, a healthy body should have a blood
pH level of 7.365 which is slightly alkaline.
Regulating pH balance is key to total health and wellness and is primarily reliant
on healthy lifestyle habits, including a proper diet.
Baking Soda Helps
Regulate pH Levels
Given its alkalizing (or basic) pH of approximately 9.0,
baking soda counteracts the acidity that accumulates in the body. Baking soda
is useful to regulate by buffering the pH of cells, tissues, and voltage
homeostasis within cells. It is also useful to increase oxygenation and carbon
dioxide. Baking
soda can also be used to aid the body in the detoxification process and support the body in healing from radiation
exposure and oxidative damage.
Natural health care practitioners utilize sodium bicarbonate
to defend against numerous health ailments. Some of these include the common
cold, kidney disease,
diabetes, the flu, and some even use baking soda to treat cancer. When used as
a bath soak, the body can absorb the health benefits of baking soda through the
skin. It can also be used as a nebulizer to treat lung conditions.
Identifying Cancer with
Baking Soda
Recent research reveals that baking soda is a useful agent
in identifying cancer cell growth.
Acids become built up in cancerous areas of the body and the bicarbonate is
converted into carbon dioxide. These changes in bicarbonate can be viewed on an
MRI scan with high sensitivity as determined by a United Kingdom cancer
research group.
Cancer cells flourish in an acidic
environment and these regions are
significantly lower in pH than other surrounding tissue. The researchers found
that MRI sensitivity increased by more than 20,000 times when experimenting
with mice diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. When bicarbonate was
localized into the cancerous tissue, evidence was clear that the tumors with
the highest acidity had a significantly higher conversion rate of bicarbonate
into carbon dioxide.
Lead scientist of this pioneering study was Professor Kevin
Brindle with the UK’s Cambridge Research Institute at the University of
Cambridge. Professor Brindle stated, “This technique could be used as a highly-sensitive
early warning system for the signs of cancer. By exploiting the body’s natural
pH balancing system, we have found a potentially safe way of measuring pH to
see what’s going on inside patients. MRIs can pick up on the abnormal pH levels
found in cancer and it is possible that this could be used to pinpoint where
the disease is present and when it is responding to treatment.”
Baking Soda Suppresses
Cancer Growth Rate
Energy is produced by cancer cells through a process called
anaerobic glycolysis which relies on glucose as the primary fuel source. Acidic
metabolites such as lactic acid are byproducts of this metabolic pathway. As a
result of this biochemical event, studies have found that the extracellular pH
in cancerous regions is generally lower than normal tissue.
A highly acidic environment
stimulates invasive tumor growth in both primary and metastatic cancer types. Consumption of sodium bicarbonate has been shown to
increase the pH of tumors and slow the formation of spontaneous metastases in
metastatic breast cancer mouse models. Baking soda was also found to decrease
the rate of lymph node involvement and reduce the occurrence that the cancer
would spread to the liver.
Researchers in this field of study reasonably assume that
increasing systemic levels of pH using buffers such as sodium bicarbonate will
lower peritumoral and intratumoral acidosis. Further, the reduction of tumor
acid levels exhibited in mouse models has been found to reduce tumor growth and
metastasis without adversely altering blood or unaffected tissue pH
The use of baking soda is also a likely route to enhancing
the effects of conventional chemotherapy
treatment. Tumor acidosis promotes chemoresistance with specific
chemotherapy drugs such as paclitaxel and doxorubicin. Utilizing baking soda to
improve pH levels is a potential benefit for those seeking standard cancer
Research clearly indicates that baking soda along with the
use of a variety of other natural healing strategies can be used to naturally
defend against cancer as well as strengthen immune coordination. However,
cancer is a highly complex disease − no one should consider a solo
therapy to be effective at curing cancer as no treatment can accomplish such a
How Do You Use Baking
Soda in Your Body?
If the body is in an acidic state baking soda is beneficial
to increasing pH concentrations. Contrary to popular opinion, baking soda
(unlike baking powder), does not contain aluminum. Purchasing “aluminum-free”
baking soda is unnecessary, but purchasing “aluminum-free” baking powder for
baking needs should be highly considered.
However, commercial baking soda products including the Arm
& Hammer brand utilize a chemical process that converts trona ore into soda
ash. Soda ash reacts with carbon dioxide to produce baking soda. Although not
necessarily a hazard, this product does result from a chemical process. I
recommend purchasing
preferred brands such as Bob’s Red Mill, Frontier, and other natural brands. These companies source their sodium bicarbonate directly
from the ground in its natural environment.
Safety of Baking Soda
Treatment for Cancer
Each tumor is distinguished by its own unique traits and all
may not be extremely acidic. Regardless of the tumors acidity, balancing and
creating a slightly alkaline internal body environment is beneficial to the
patient’s internal systems. Ideally, pH strip testing should result
between 7.0 and 8.0. If
a reading higher than 8.0 results, discontinue baking soda use immediately
until pH decreases.
Testing and monitoring both urine and saliva pH should be
used in conjunction with sodium bicarbonate treatments. You can do this with a
pH test or an electronic tester. Test every morning and chart the results. Test
both urinary and salivary pH when you get out of a bath with baking soda.
Again, if the pH climbs above 8.0, stop use of baking soda treatments until the
pH lowers.
Unmonitored use of baking soda
therapy can have health hazards.
Some of these consequences include reduced stomach pH concentration, kidney
complications, alkalosis, etc. To avoid these dangers be responsible with use
and take the time to chart your pH levels throughout your day. Avoid consuming
baking soda within 30 minutes of a meal to limit digestive problems.
The Baking Soda Protocol
Only consume this drink when you
have tested your pH throughout the day and your results are acidic. As a reminder, do not drink this beverage 30 minutes
before or after a meal to avoid lowering stomach acid secretions and inhibiting
proper digestion. This beverage will aid in neutralizing pH, buffer stomach
acid, and lower acidosis. Drink the following mixture throughout the day except
before and after meals until your pH levels are stabilized between 7.0 and 8.0.
Tall glass
½ tsp baking soda
2 tbs fresh lemon juice
8 oz. purified water
Mix baking soda with fresh lemon
juice or organic apple cider vinegar. The combination will result in a foam or
fizz. This is normal.
Once all bubbling has stopped, add
water to the mixture and drink all at once.
This information is being
suppressed from you by the mainstream media and the medical establishment.
Please share this information with friends and family. It could save someone’s
Article Summary
Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3),
commonly known as baking soda, is a natural substance used for baking and
cleaning purposes. But did you know it is also a tool used to
identify and stabilize cancer growth?
Regulating pH balance is key to
total health. A healthy body should have a blood pH level of 7.365 which
is slightly alkaline.
Given its alkalizing (or basic) pH
of approximately 9.0, baking soda can be used to help counteract acidity that
accumulates in the body.
A cancer research team in the
U.K. is developing a technique that uses baking soda in conjunction with a
highly sensitive MRI scan to identify cancer cell growth.
No one should consider a solo
therapy to be effective at curing cancer as no treatment can accomplish such a
task. However if the body is in an acidic state, baking soda is beneficial to
increasing pH concentrations.
Consider purchasing baking
soda brands such as Bob’s Red Mill, Frontier, and other natural brands
that source their sodium bicarbonate directly from the ground vs those
that use a chemical process.
See the article for a Baking Soda
protocol that you can use to reduce the acidity in your body. Only consume this drink when you
have tested your pH throughout the day and your results However…
whether you’re trying to avoid cancer or beat it if you’ve got it, there
is one very powerful antidote to the fear, and to the disease
itself: knowledge.
In “The Truth About
Cancer: A Global Quest” you’ll discover the most powerful ways to prevent,
treat, heal from, and beat the disease. Though you haven’t heard of most of
these ways, you deserve to, so…
Things Hospitals Don’t Want you to Know
According to Italian doctor — Tulio Simonchini, cancer is
nothing but a fungus which can be eliminated with baking soda.
Dr. Simonchini used this method to cure thousands of patients suffering from
different types of cancer, and claims that it is 100% effective.
therapy isn’t harmful at all and let’s face it — you’ve
got nothing to lose. The painful reality of more and more cancer cases is
somehow connected to the failures of oncology.
“We have to prove that modern oncology is unable to
answer all the questions cancer patients have. It’s our moral and ethical
commitment to find the real cure for the hardest and deadliest diseases of our
time,” says Dr. Simonchini.
is a fungus!
“About a century ago, there was a great theory that
cancer is caused by malfunctioning genes, which means that the disease is
intracellular. However, in my opinion, cancer is a fungal infection and a
special cellular phenomenon,” says Dr. Simonchini, who has sent shockwaves
around the medical community with his claim.
the plant world, carcinoma is caused by fungal infections, and the same happens
in humans. Fungi always carry a tumor with them — this has
been proven in both in vivo and in vitro studies. However, scientists believe
that they develop after the disease appeared. Dr. Simonchini believes that they
were already there before — fungi
create cancer, weaken our immune system and then attack the whole body. Every
type of cancer is caused by the Candida fungus, which has been confirmed by
several studies, and its histological structure is a result of the defensive
measures against the invasion. Over time, our tissues are weakened
and tired, and they start producing unidentified cells. According to Dr.
Simonchini, cancer is an “ulcer” where deformed cells accumulate and form
Baking Soda
usual antifungal drugs are ineffective against cancer as they only attack the
surface of the cells. The main infection is more powerful than a single
bacterium, which is why fungal infections last for so long. “I have identified
the things that can attack these colonies of fungi — for cancer, it’s baking
soda, and a iodine tincture is the best substance for skin cancer,” claims Dr.
Simonchini. Many studies have confirmed baking soda’s intracellular action
against cancer.
bicarbonate (NaHCO3), commonly known as baking soda, is a natural substance
used for a variety of household baking and cleaning purposes. But did you know
that there are baking soda uses for helping the body to prevent cancer, as well
as it being a tool cancer patients can use to identify and stabilize cancer
Baking Soda Helps Regulate pH Levels
its alkalizing (or basic) pH of approximately 9.0, baking soda counteracts the
acidity that accumulates in the body. Baking soda is useful to regulate by
buffering the pH of cells, tissues, and voltage homeostasis within cells. It is
also useful to increase oxygenation and carbon dioxide. Baking soda can also be used to aid the body in the
detoxification process and support the body in healing
from radiation exposure and oxidative damage.
health care practitioners utilize sodium bicarbonate to defend against numerous
health ailments. Some of these include the common cold, kidney disease,
diabetes, the flu, and some even use baking soda to treat cancer. When used as
a bath soak, the body can absorb the health benefits of baking soda through the
skin. It can also be used as a nebulizer to treat lung conditions.
Dr. Tullio Simonchi emphasizes on
the Fact that Chemo Kills
The Treatment
“I have used the treatment on my patients for more than
20 years. Many of these patients have completely recovered from the disease,
even when doctors gave them no chances. The best way to eliminate a tumor is
for it to come in contact with baking soda, which can be applied as an enema
for digestive cancers, intravenous injection for brain and lung tumors and
inhalation for tumors in the upper respiratory system. Breast, lymph system and
subcutaneous tumors can be treated with a local perfusion. Internal organ
tumors should be treated with baking soda by applying it directly into the
arteries, and it’s also important to treat every type of cancer with the proper
dose. For phleboclisis, you’ll need about 500 cm. of 5% or 8.4% solution; in
some cases, the mixture only needs to be salty enough. During every treatment,
it’s important to know that tumor colonies come back between the 3 and 4 day,
and suffer a collapse between the 4 and 5 day, so a minimum of 6 days of
treatment is required. The treatment should be repeated for 4 cycles, and has
no other side-effects other than thirst and weakness.” -Dr. Simonchini
“For skin cancer, you should rub a 0.7% iodine tincture
on the affected areas 20–30 times a day. Afterwards, the tumor will not
return,” Dr. Simonchini says.
are the main symptoms of Candida infection:
Chronic fatigue
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Anxiety and irritability
Brain fog and nausea
Chronic skin disorders
Chronic digestive disorders
Mood changes
Starch and sugar cravings.
you have notice at least 2 of these symptoms, you may have an advanced stage of
candida infections which may result in cancer, so they should never be ignored.
Treatment and Prevention of Candida Infections
fungal development must be kept in check. Left untreated, candida can lead to
candidiasis which can cause symptoms that mimic other diseases and result in
perforation in the intestines and leaky gut syndrome. This will allow protein
to attack your blood cells. In order to prevent further problems, we first need
to eliminate the foods that feed candida — sugar and
starch. This means no bread, candy, fresh fruit, pasta and rice for a while.
Focus on eating raw fruit and steamed vegetables, and some people have had
great results with grapefruit seeds. Dr. Simonchini recommends using
aluminum-free baking soda for the treatment of cancer. It can be found in
almost all health stores and pharmacies.
How the Therapy Works
Baking soda significantly increases the
alkalinity of your blood which destroys the fungi. Due to this, baking soda
quickly disintegrates the tumor, leaving it without defense.
stomach, colon, rectal and oral cancer, you need to take 1 teaspoon of baking
soda in a glass of water every morning and evening for a month. In most cases,
this is enough time to eliminate the tumor. The therapy should last 3–4 weeks
and not a day more. Dr. Simonchini’s therapy also usually requires intravenous
injections as well. For best results, you’ll need 500 ml. of 5% baking soda
solution applied in the vein directly every day. Do this for 24 days, then go
for a scan. Vaginal fungal infections have become pretty common nowadays and
according to Dr. Simonchini, they are the main culprit for cervical cancer and
vaginal tumors. In order to treat these problems, you need to wash your vagina
with a mixture made of 2 l. of filtered water and 2 tablespoons of baking soda.
This will defeat the fungi that are causing the problem and prevent them from
coming back in the future.
one cause is associated with cancer development, nor is there one cure for this
complex disease. Cancer is a disease that initiates damaging activity within
tissue and cells triggering genetic mutations and abnormalities. This cascade
of effects causes adverse changes to the body’s metabolic processes. These
unhealthy metabolic functions can be reversed using natural health strategies
− including the use
of baking soda to heal and stabilize natural healing dynamics.
buffering systems equip the human body with the ability to optimize internal
functions for as long a period as possible. One of these known systems is
referred to as pH. For example, a
healthy body should have a blood pH level of 7.365 which is slightly alkaline.
Regulating pH balance is key to total health and wellness and is primarily
reliant on healthy lifestyle habits, including a proper diet.
Identifying Cancer with Baking Soda
research reveals that baking soda is a useful agent in identifying cancer cell growth. Acids become built up
in cancerous areas of the body and the bicarbonate is converted into carbon
dioxide. These changes in bicarbonate can be viewed on an MRI scan with high
sensitivity as determined by a United Kingdom cancer research group.
Cancer cells flourish in an acidic environment and
these regions are significantly lower in pH than other surrounding tissue. The
researchers found that MRI sensitivity increased by more than 20,000 times when
experimenting with mice diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. When
bicarbonate was localized into the cancerous tissue, evidence was clear that
the tumors with the highest acidity had a significantly higher conversion rate
of bicarbonate into carbon dioxide.
scientist of this pioneering study was Professor Kevin Brindle with the UK’s
Cambridge Research Institute at the University of Cambridge. Professor Brindle
stated, “This
technique could be used as a highly-sensitive early warning system for the
signs of cancer. By exploiting the body’s natural pH balancing system, we have
found a potentially safe way of measuring pH to see what’s going on inside
patients. MRIs can pick up on the abnormal pH levels found in cancer and it is
possible that this could be used to pinpoint where the disease is present and
when it is responding to treatment.”
Baking Soda Suppresses Cancer Growth Rate
is produced by cancer cells through a process called anaerobic glycolysis which
relies on glucose as the primary fuel source. Acidic metabolites such as lactic
acid are byproducts of this metabolic pathway. As a result of this biochemical
event, studies have found that the extracellular pH in cancerous regions is
generally lower than normal tissue.
A highly acidic environment stimulates invasive tumor
growth in both primary and metastatic cancer types.
Consumption of sodium bicarbonate has been shown to increase the pH of tumors
and slow the formation of spontaneous metastases in metastatic breast cancer
mouse models. Baking soda was also found to decrease the rate of lymph node
involvement and reduce the occurrence that the cancer would spread to the
in this field of study reasonably assume that increasing systemic levels of pH
using buffers such as sodium bicarbonate will lower peritumoral and
intratumoral acidosis. Further, the reduction of tumor acid levels exhibited in
mouse models has been found to reduce tumor growth and metastasis without
adversely altering blood or unaffected tissue pH concentrations.
use of baking soda is also a likely route to enhancing the effects of
conventional chemotherapy treatment. Tumor acidosis promotes chemoresistance
with specific chemotherapy drugs such as paclitaxel and doxorubicin. Utilizing
baking soda to improve pH levels is a potential benefit for those seeking
standard cancer treatment.
clearly indicates that baking soda along with the use of a variety of other
natural healing strategies can be used to naturally defend against cancer as
well as strengthen immune coordination. However, cancer is a highly complex
disease − no one should consider
a solo therapy to be effective at curing cancer as no treatment can accomplish
such a task.
How Do You Use Baking Soda in Your Body?
the body is in an acidic state baking soda is beneficial to increasing pH
concentrations. Contrary to popular opinion, baking soda (unlike baking
powder), does not contain aluminum. Purchasing “aluminum-free” baking soda is
unnecessary, but purchasing “aluminum-free” baking powder for baking needs
should be highly considered.
commercial baking soda products including the Arm & Hammer brand utilize a
chemical process that converts trona ore into soda ash. Soda ash reacts with
carbon dioxide to produce baking soda. Although not necessarily a hazard, this
product does result from a chemical process. I recommend purchasing preferred brands such as Bob’s Red Mill,
Frontier, and other natural brands. These companies
source their sodium bicarbonate directly from the ground in its natural
Safety of Baking Soda Treatment for Cancer
tumor is distinguished by its own unique traits and all may not be extremely
acidic. Regardless of the tumors acidity, balancing and creating a slightly
alkaline internal body environment is beneficial to the patient’s internal
systems. Ideally, pH strip testing should result between 7.0 and 8.0. If a reading higher than 8.0 results, discontinue baking
soda use immediately until pH decreases.
and monitoring both urine and saliva pH should be used in conjunction with
sodium bicarbonate treatments. You can do this with a pH test or an electronic
tester. Test every morning and chart the results. Test both urinary and
salivary pH when you get out of a bath with baking soda. Again, if the pH
climbs above 8.0, stop use of baking soda treatments until the pH lowers.
Unmonitored use of baking soda therapy can have health
hazards. Some of these consequences include reduced stomach pH
concentration, kidney complications, alkalosis, etc. To avoid these dangers be
responsible with use and take the time to chart your pH levels throughout your
day. Avoid consuming baking soda within 30 minutes of a meal to limit digestive
The Baking Soda Protocol
Only consume this drink when you have tested your pH
throughout the day and your results are acidic.
As a reminder, do not drink this beverage 30 minutes before or after a meal to
avoid lowering stomach acid secretions and inhibiting proper digestion. This
beverage will aid in neutralizing pH, buffer stomach acid, and lower acidosis.
Drink the following mixture throughout the day except before and after meals
until your pH levels are stabilized between 7.0 and 8.0.
Tall glass
½ tsp baking soda
2 tbs fresh lemon juice
8 oz. purified water
1. Mix
baking soda with fresh lemon juice or organic apple cider vinegar. The
combination will result in a foam or fizz. This is normal.
Once all bubbling has stopped, add water to the mixture
and drink all at once.
In Summary:
Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), commonly known as baking
soda, is a natural substance used for baking and cleaning purposes. But did you
know it is also a tool used to identify and stabilize cancer growth?
Regulating pH balance is key to total health. A healthy
body should have a blood pH level of 7.365 which is slightly alkaline.
Given its alkalizing (or basic) pH of approximately 9.0,
baking soda can be used to help counteract acidity that accumulates in the
A cancer research team in the U.K. is developing a
technique that uses baking soda in conjunction with a highly sensitive MRI scan
to identify cancer cell growth.
No one should consider a solo therapy to be effective at
curing cancer as no treatment can accomplish such a task. However if the body
is in an acidic state, baking soda is beneficial to increasing pH
Consider purchasing baking soda brands such as Bob’s Red
Mill, Frontier, and other natural brands that source their sodium bicarbonate
directly from the ground vs those that use a chemical process.
একটি মন্তব্য পোস্ট করুন