Custody of the Heart (2000)

Released 2000, 'Custody of the Heart' stars Lorraine BraccoMartin DonovanMichael CeraCharlotte Arnold. The movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 37 min, and received a score of (out of 100) on Metacritic, which compiled reviews from respected critics.
Interested in knowing what the movie's about? Here's the plot: "A househusband (Martin Donovan) serves his wife (Lorraine Bracco) with divorce papers and charges her with being an unfit mother."

    more informaion of the  movie ;-

         Claire Raphael (Lorraine Bracco) is a successful business woman, mother and wife who seemingly can do everything whilst her husband Dennis (Martin Donovan) stays at home as a house husband. But Dennis has had enough as despite having tried therapy which Claire never had time fore Claire will not change and continues to do things her way with out consulting Dennis and continually bossing him around like a member of her staff. It is not just at home as Claire's sister has looked after there elderly mum and when she asks Claire to help out she hasn't got the time to do it. When Claire once again makes a decision without consulting him and belittles him in the process Dennis has enough and decides to divorce Claire and go for custody of the children. The question is will Claire see what has gone wrong and fight for her marriage and her children or not.
It is interesting when you look for information on "Custody of the Heart" as beingA TV movie it doesn't have a great deal of reviews and many of the reviews suggest that Dennis' decision to go for divorce is an attempt to reclaim his manhood having been robbed off it by the bread winning Claire. I think I may have read somewhere that Dennis' act was out of jealousy over his more successful wife. Now I won't disagree because there is undeniably a suggestion of jealousy going on but there is the deeper context of the traditional role reversal with Claire doing things her way and no longer treating Dennis as her husband and equal but someone who does things for her. It means that when it seems like Dennis suddenly snaps and acts out of anger it is not only a massive shock to Claire but also those who have not seen how blinkered Claire is to her own behaviour.
by DNSUnlocker
Martin Donovan in Custody of the Heart (2000)
Now as to the rest of the movie, well it all depends on how you have reacted to the first part of the movie and whether you can see that Dennis actions were partly the reactions of a man tired of no longer being a husband and equal in the marriage. What we get after the bombshell of Dennis going for a divorce and also custody of the children is a focus on how Claire deals with what is happening, how it makes her feel and what options are available especially in the changing world. There is a slant to the movie which suggests Dennis going for custody and maintenance and so on is the actions of a bitter man, representing all men by getting even for ever time a woman has taken a husband to theCLEANERS. Unfortunately by being less than subtle in trying to establish this it lets the movie down because it makes it seem like an angry movie with a point to prove rather than a balanced argument to present.
The one thing "Custody of the Heart" has going for it is three strong performances starting with Lorraine Bracco showing once again a talent for playing powerful women but also getting across the aspect of not seeing the full picture when it comes to how she has been. Martin Donovan is just as good as Dennis, the husband tired of being ignored when it comes to his marriage bringing various aspects to the role so there is jealousy and bitterness but also the tiredness of a man fed up of the way he is being treated and ignored. Plus there is Dennis Boutsikaris who brings out the subtle depth in his character as Claire's business partner and close friend.
What this all boils down to is that "Custody of the Heart" is an interesting movie dealing with a 21st century situation involving the changing domestic set up. Unfortunately whilst it has depth it also at times fails to deliver the balance that the storyline needs and lets slip to show what at times feels like an angry hidden agenda. On a little side note that is a young Michael Cera playing one of the children.



Claire Raphael (Lorraine Bracco) has just been named “Woman of the Year” by the Better Business Bureau for her flourishing furniture design company. But when she comes home from a business trip she finds herself served with divorce papers from her stay-at-home husband. Claire is stunned when it seems the legal system is conspiring against her. Although she is the wage earner, it is she who must vacate the premises, leave her children, and give up half of her business. “Custody of the Heart” premieres Monday, 8/28/00 at 9PM (ET/PT) on Lifetime.

Dove Review

Talk about changing times. Not only does this film have a Mr. Mom situation, but he’s also unhappy that the breadwinner is too busy for him. When he blindsides his wife with divorce papers, she learns that the court has granted him temporary custody of the children and that she has to move out. He is seeking full-time custody of the kids, the house, and half of the profits from her business. That seemed understandable when the roles were reversed, but now that it’s happening to women, suddenly things are not so just.
When I mentioned this Lifetime film to a friend, he said, “Oh, that’s the channel that espouses the notion ‘Woman good/man bad.’” Well, I wouldn’t go that far, but it is rare to find a made-for-Lifetime movie that doesn’t paint the male lead as either self-involved, stupid, or abusive, in order to extol today’s strong-minded woman. And, sure enough, once again the male lead is a real jerk.
If you can get beyond the subtle male bashing and the proposition that the justice system favors men above women, I think you will find this is an involving story. Lorraine Bracco gives a dynamite performance. What’s more, her character is someone I’d like to know. She is smart, giving, and feminine.
If there is some validity to the film’s theme that women don’t receive equal treatment by our courts, perhaps films such as this will help get people thinking of ways legislation can bring equality to the legal arena. But the perpetuation of the war between men and women as a dramatic tool for movies is getting a bit stale. Jerkdom is not a kingdom exclusively populated by one sex alone. And although men and women are different in many aspects, I have to say, “Viva La Difference.” So, lighten up Lifetime. Or don’t you want the other half of the population as a possible audience?
